Our History

While a German school had been operating in the area since the early 1900s the Bethania Lutheran School was opened in January 1976 with one teacher and eighteen pupils in Years 1 to 3. The school was officially opened in the church hall with the first teacher being installed, Mrs Betty Schultz. Conditions in the early history of the school were difficult.

By 1977 the school was still operating in the church hall with 45 students and two teachers. The first building erected on the school property, teacher accommodation, was opened in October 1977. In May 1978 the first school building was dedicated and opened and the second school building opened in February 1979. By this time the pupils numbered 85. The school blossomed over the years and now has over 12 buildings and 320 students in a leafy and tranquil setting. May we be ever mindful of the School motto "Christus Constans Est" - (Christ is changeless), Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.

Bethania Lutheran School has been serving the local community since it was established in 1976. The school was established by the Bethania Lutheran Congregation to provide a quality Christian education to the children of its members and the local community. Bethania Lutheran School is one of 83 Lutheran Schools across Australia.

The school is funded from Commonwealth and State Government grants, school fees and fund-raising. The school is administered by a School Council drawn from members of the Bethania Lutheran Congregation, parent community and other Lutheran congregations.

Why Choose Bethania? 

We create a safe, supportive, Christ-centred environment that empowers all students to achieve their best and flourish. Our facilities provide an agile, 21st Century learning environment, giving our students opportunities to feel connected, engaged and inspired. This is achieved through the relationships we build, and our award-winning innovative programs and learning spaces. Here at Bethania, your child is known by name, your child's learning is personal and engaging, your child is cared for as a unique person. We provide an engaging, innovative curriculum through which every student reaches their God-given potential. Our passionate teaching staff endeavor to cater for the individual learning needs of each child in their care.

Bethania Lutheran School is a Christ-centred community supporting the educational journey by providing dynamic, innovative teaching and learning, within a nurturing environment.

At Bethania Lutheran School we value the development of the whole learner. We aim to teach our students the skills that they need to be functioning, caring, valuable, contributing members of their community. We nurture our students as individual, unique creations of God and aim to develop not just academic goals but social/emotional development also.

Bethania Logo
Bethania Lutheran School logo expresses in one symbol, the crucified, risen and ruling Christ, our source of eternal life while recognising the historical importance of the Logan River in supporting the life of the early Lutheran settlers who founded and developed the district of Bethania. The three lines represent also the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). The shield shape was chosen on the basis of its artistic completeness in expressing strength of character.

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